thriving in



This podcast is for you, the married entrepreneur who wants to win in marriage and business simultaneously.

Click the episode below to find out what this podcast is all about

Stronger Marriage, Conflict Resolution Robert & Kay Lee Fukui Stronger Marriage, Conflict Resolution Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Ep. 190 - Prenuptial Agreements Create Stronger Marriages with Aaron Thomas

Can a prenuptial agreement strengthen your marriage and prevent a divorce? That’s not typically what we think about when we hear prenup. We’re just usually thinking of protecting our assets when we do get divorced. But this week’s guest, Aaron Thomas, is going to shed some light on the way he helps couples create prenuptial agreements.

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Marketing Robert & Kay Lee Fukui Marketing Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Ep. 189 - The Perfect Marketing Strategy

Marketing success can be elusive for many small business owners. Most rely on word of mouth (which is the best form of marketing) because they haven’t had much success doing anything else. Even if your business is doing well from word of mouth, there are some steps you can do to improve that.

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Stronger Marriage, Leadership Robert & Kay Lee Fukui Stronger Marriage, Leadership Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Ep. 188 - The Inconvenience Of Great Leadership with Bob Beaudine

“Doing the right thing is inconvenient.” That was a powerful quote from this week’s guest Bob Beaudine. Prioritizing your family over your career or business is one of the hardest things to do for high achievers. It is possible to do it successfully but it doesn’t come easy. You have to make hard choices that are not convenient. 

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Ep. 186 - Is Your Business An Idol? With Stu and Trish Fuhlendorf

Entrepreneurs have an independent streak for sure. I have it, you have it, we all have it. It’s why we can’t see ourselves in a 9 to 5 job. It’s why we’re so successful in what we do. We take the bull by the horn and make it happen.

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Ep. 183 - How To Hire and Train Millenials with Robert and Kay Lee Fukui

If you’re like many business owners, it’s been hard to find good employees. It seems like the younger generation doesn’t want to work and are lazy. Or at least that’s what they say. But think about this, the baby boomers were also considered lazy when they were in their twenties and thirties.

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Stronger Marriage, Conflict Resolution Robert & Kay Lee Fukui Stronger Marriage, Conflict Resolution Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Ep. 182- The Painful Journey of Entrepreneurship with Paul Hastings

What would it be like to go from working 95 hours/week to 0 in an instant? This week’s guest Paul Hastings is here to tell us about it. The sudden change wasn’t by choice. A tragic health issue forced him to stop cold turkey. In the months of recovery he was able to reconnect with his wife…

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Ep. 181 - How to Avoid Disaster: Why Working with Your Spouse Can Spell Trouble for Your Business!

According to the 2022 U.S. Census Bureau, a little more than 10% of businesses are run by husband and wife teams. And that number is continuing to grow as more and more couples are realizing they can make more money working together than in separate jobs or businesses…

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Stronger Marriage, Conflict Resolution Robert & Kay Lee Fukui Stronger Marriage, Conflict Resolution Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Ep. 176 - Love, Labor, and Limits: Nurturing Balance in Entrepreneurial Marriages with Robert and Kay Lee Fukui

One of the reasons for the lack of work-life balance is working a lot of hours and taking on too many responsibilities. Whether it’s business or personal related, we tend to say yes to more things than we realize which steals time away from your spouse and kids.

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Finance, Growth Strategies, Profit Robert & Kay Lee Fukui Finance, Growth Strategies, Profit Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Ep. 173 - The Profitable Equation: Efficiency, Margins, Pricing, and Productivity

Improving the businesses bottom line is always a nice thing to do. Usually, the strategy to do so is increase sales. But when you’re already working hard and long hours, more sales means more work. More work means more hours and less time at home with your spouse and family. How much more can you handle?

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Finance Robert & Kay Lee Fukui Finance Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Ep.172 - Don’t Work For Your Wealth

Becoming financially wealthy is a desire many have but most don’t achieve. Is it really that difficult? Actually not as difficult as many think. The difference between the people that achieve financial wealth vs those that simply talk about is based on their mindset on money and the habits they form around it.

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Growth Strategies, Leadership Robert & Kay Lee Fukui Growth Strategies, Leadership Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Ep. 171 - Find More Time to Grow Your Business

Time seems to be that asset that entrepreneurs don’t have a lot of. If you’re feeling like you’re so busy you don’t have enough time to get everything done than this episode is for you. While no one can gain more time in the day, you can gain more margin. That takes doing less busy work and concentrate on more productive work…

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 Podcast Hosts

Robert and Kay Lee Fukui



Meet your podcast hosts Robert and Kay Lee. Robert has spent 25 years in marketing and sales for several Fortune 100 companies and Kay Lee grew up in a family business. While they come from two distinctly different business backgrounds they understand the unique challenges all business owners face regardless of its size. They are also dedicated to helping married couples in business build a thriving marriage and prosperous business.