This is the million dollar question. When we ask this question to couples who own a business, we either get a “yes” or “no” (obviously). And the answers seem to be from the experiences the couples have relating and communicating to each other. Are you the one that would say “no” because it’s not good for the marriage, we would be fighting all the time, spouse doesn’t want me in the business, she’s too controlling, or he’s too controlling? And for those that say “yes” is it for the right reason. Don’t just have your spouse work in the business to save money on payroll. Make sure they are in a position that fits their gifts and skills. Well, first both spouses should be involved at some level in the business. It’s the largest asset a couple typically owns and so both should care what happens to it. Doesn’t mean both spouses need to be actively involved in the business but should have a level of understanding and influence in it. The key is understanding the role both play in the business and how to best work with each other without it negatively affecting the marriage. This episode will tackle the why and how every spouse can be helpful in the business.

Key takeaways 

  • Don’t let conflict get in the way of working together

  • Understand the circumstances 

  • Get over your ego

  • Work with each other’s differences

  • Know your roles

  • Separate business from home

  • Create a safe place

  • The spouse doesn’t have to work in the business to be an asset in the business

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 10 - Understanding the Priorities of Life


Ep. 8 - Change Your Spouse By Changing You First