As busy executives and business owners we tend to have the drive to achieve great work. While we can reach those BHAG’S in the marketplace we seem to fall flat on our face at home with our spouse and kids. What if you could take that same will to achieve at work into the home? Join us with our guest Cory Carlson, executive coach and author of the book “Win At Home First,” as we explore how we can be successful at home and work!



FREE download of Cory’s “10 Ways to Win at Home”

Click link

Key takeaways:

  • Home life affects work performance and vice versa

  • Preventing conflict starts with being accountable to yourself

  • Your spouse is not your saviour

  • Forgiveness is HUGE

  • Preventing the affair

  • What is God saying?

  • You are who you hang out with

  • Date your spouse

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 17 - Fun with Finance


Ep. 15 - Can We Get Real?