Ep. 89 - Stop Making Excuses with Antwan Winkfield

Building a business is both rewarding and challenging at the same time. There are times in the beginning or even 20 years down the road where you feel like giving up. And these last two years were definitely not an exception. We all know that it takes perseverance to grow a business and overcoming adversity is part of the script too. You may even be facing a situation that is challenging you right now. If that is you and you need a little pick me up, meet Antwan Winkfield. What he’s had to deal with and overcome from the age of 2 til his present age of 36 may make your situation look like child’s play. His story is sure to inspire and encourage you to push forward. Because the best is on the other side. 

Antwan was raised in the inner city of Kansas City, Missouri. Graduated top of his class from the performing arts high school, Paseo Academy. Graduated from the University of Kansas with a bachelors in social work. Becoming the first in his family to graduate from college. Earned an MBA from Baker University. Is an author with his new book, “Breakthrough Leadership with Antwan Winkfield” available on Amazon.

Book: Breakthrough Leadership with Antwan Winkfield

Instagram: TweezyKU

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tweezyku

Website: https://linktr.ee/workingtowardsadream 

Key Takeaways

  • Diagnosed with scoliosis at age 2

  • My scars are my story

  • Too many surgeries to count

  • Storms do end

  • My faith, my mom, my grandma

  • Appreciate the journey

  • Mental resilience is key to success

  • My physical limitations never stopped me from playing basketball 

  • Grandma never treated me different from the other kids

  • “I learned one of my essential rules of life: DO NOT WASTE ENERGY WORRYING, ON THINGS BEYOND YOUR CONTROL,” says Winkfield.

  • Couples argue over assumptions not facts

Have you ever watched a couple, maybe even your parents, argue over the dumbest things? Maybe you’ve even thought to yourself, “doesn’t he understand what she means” or “that’s not what he said.” And have you ever found, after things cool off, that you and your spouse have had similar arguments? Over misunderstandings. We certainly have.

If you’re honest, you recognize that most arguments occur over misunderstandings.  They say, 80% of what is assumed is based on how things are said not what is actually said.

Robert & Kay Lee Fukui

Robert and Kay Lee blend family business and Fortune 500 experience to help entrepreneur couples build profitable businesses while creating additional margin of time to invest back into their marriages. Thus creating better balance between the work and home.


Ep. 90 - The COVID Business Startup


Ep. 88 - Knowing Your Fears Can Make You A Business Success